Alumna Tamara Veit Honored by KCMBA

Recipient of the Honorable Kelly Moorhouse Dedication to Children Award

UMKC School of Law Alumna, Tamara Veit is the recipient of the Honorable Kelly Moorhouse Dedication to Children Award. This award, given by the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association, acknowledges exceptional contributions and dedication for the representation of children and families in the Greater Kansas City Metropolitan Area.

Veit has been practicing family law for over 15 years, but her devotion to helping people started much earlier. During her teenage years, she got involved in helping women and children through volunteer work. She assisted adult and child victims of domestic violence, worked suicide and abuse hotlines, and helped women in drug rehabilitation. By the time she started law school at UMKC, she knew she wanted to go into family law. During her last year in law school, she served as a law clerk to Commissioner Sherrill Rosen in the 16th Circuit.

She has been with the firm of McElligott Ewan & Hall, PC since 2005. She frequently serves as Guardian ad Litem and is a court-approved mediator for Jackson County.

Veit is involved in numerous legal and community organizations. She is on the Executive Board for the Family Law Section in The Missouri Bar, the Family Law Conference Planning Committee, and the Board of Directors for the CAPA (Child Abuse Prevention Association). She is also serving on the Board of Directors for the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association (KCMBA) and is vice-chair for the CLE Committee for KCMBA. For KCMBF, Tamara served as co-chair for the Domestic Violence and Children’s Interdisciplinary Conference.

UMKC School of Law congratulates Tamara Veit!
Published: May 19, 2022