Confirmation and Consent Forms

Youth Court Sentences Might Include:

  • Oral or Written Apology-explain how what you did was wrong, that you are sorry and how you plan to avoid doing the same thing again.
  • Essay on the crime you committed (identify how the crime affected the victim, you, the community, your family). The Judge will include a specific issue for you to reflect upon  and will set the number of pages due.
  • Community Service-up to 35 hours of service for a nonprofit entity such as a school, library or community service agency
  • Curfew
  • Coping with stress or anger, activity and personal reflection (handout provided)
  • Young People and Alcohol Don't Mix worksheet (handout provided)
  • Write a letter to your Councilperson or Mayor (handout provided)
  • One of the following court-ordered classes:

 Please choose from the following list to complete your court-ordered community service hours   Community Services List