Confirmation and Consent Forms

Youth Court Sentences Might Include:

  • Oral or Written Apology-explain how what you did was wrong, that you are sorry and how you plan to avoid doing the same thing again.
  • Essay on the crime you committed (identify how the crime affected the victim, you, the community, your family). The Judge will include a specific issue for you to reflect upon  and will set the number of pages due.
  • Community Service-up to 35 hours of service for a nonprofit entity such as a school, library or community service agency
  • Curfew
  • Coping with stress or anger, activity and personal reflection (handout provided)
  • Young People and Alcohol Don't Mix worksheet (handout provided)
  • Write a letter to your Councilperson or Mayor (handout provided)
  • One of the following court-ordered classes:

 Please choose from the following list to complete your court-ordered community service hours   Community Services List

UMKC School of Law is approved by the Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions of the American Bar Association, 321, North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654, 312-988-6738.