Collections and Resources

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Leon E. Bloch Law Library
500 E. 52nd St.
Kansas City, MO 64112
Service Desk: 816-235-1650

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There are 71,743 print titles and 76,466 microform titles in our physical collection. In addition to its vast physical collection, the law library offers patrons access to databases and services as well as hundreds of UMKC online services and databases — of which many contain relevant legal, government, statistical and business information.

Collection Development Policy (PDF)


Like most research libraries, the Leon E. Bloch Law Library contains a large proportion of materials that do not circulate. These items remain in the library for in-house use only and are shelved in both the general stacks and in the reserve collection, a limited access area located behind the circulation desk. Most circulating items are shelved among the classified collection in the general stacks on the second floor.

Materials used frequently or those needed for assigned readings are placed on reserve to make them conveniently available to all who need them. Because the number of available copies of a particular book or document is often limited, the loan period is restricted to in-library use for a period of two hours. This ensures that each borrower may have a chance to use the material for a reasonable length of time and prevents undue delay to other users.

A list of documents for assigned readings is kept at the circulation desk and is organized by professor and title of class. To determine whether a particular book is on reserve, check the online catalog. A photo ID must be left at the circulation desk for reserve items.

Generally, treatises and single-volume monographs may be checked out of the library by students and faculty for the semester.

• Codes, citators, reporters, digests and form books
• Loose-leaf services, dictionaries, directories and indexes
• Encyclopedias, microforms and general reference material
• Any item with a current supplement

Bloch Law Library maintains a large digital collection with titles such as the Debates of the 1943-1944 Constitutional Convention of Missouri, the Charles D. Gould Jr. photo collection, Sir Edward Coke Collection, Kansas City School of Law Pandex Collection and other UMKC School of Law archive material.

Digital Collection

The Law Library has group study rooms available for use by law students on the 1st floor and ground floor.

Law students can use up to $42.50 of print quota each semester at no charge. Additional credit may be purchased through the RooBucks (One Card account). Law students can print from the Computer Law or from their personal devices using the Wireless Printing (Web Print). Printing is not available to public patrons.

Bloch library provides a variety of audiovisual and multimedia resources for in-school and out-of-school use. The library also offers a Technology Lending Program, which allows students to experiment with new devices, including virtual headsets, 360-degree cameras and drones, among other technology.

The UMKC Law School Lecture Capture program enables faculty, students and staff to record and live stream lectures, presentations and events from selected locations. The Law School also provides access to a desktop version that allows capturing content from any device.

RooLaw, the UMKC Law School intranet is available to students, faculty and staff at the Law School. The intranet serves as the School of Law’s primary internal calendar and communications tool.

UMKC School of Law is approved by the Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions of the American Bar Association, 321, North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654, 312-988-6738.